



肖登攀,男,1982年7月生,河北张北人。博士,教授,博士生导师,九三学社社员。河北省杰出青年基金获得者,河北省青年拔尖人才,线上正规买球大全高层次引进人才。2013年获中科院地理科学与资源研究所博士学位。2013.11–2017.05年于中科院遗传与发育生物学研究所从事博士后研究。2018.08–2019.09于澳大利亚新南威尔士州初级产业部沃加沃加农业研究所访问学习。先后主持国家自然科学基金,河北省自然科学基金,博士后基金(一等资助),河北省科学院科技创新、重点研发等科研项目10余项。2014年入选河北省三三三人才工程三层次人才。2015年入选河北省青年拔尖人才计划。先后获省直青年岗位能手河北省青年岗位能手称号,河北省青年科技提名奖。已在国内外核心学术期刊发表学术论文90余篇,其中SCI期刊论文50余篇。获授权专利12项。研究成果获2020年河北省自然科学三等奖(1/1)。担任河北省地理学会理事,河北省农业工程学会理事。任SCI期刊Agriculture编辑,Frontiers in Agronomy审稿编辑;并担任Agricultural Systems, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 中国生态农业学报等国内外50个学术期刊审稿人。


主要学术论文 (*为通讯作者)

1. Xiao D., Bai H., Liu D., Tang J., Wang B., Shen Y., Cao J., Feng P. Projecting future changes in extreme climate for maize production in the North China Plain and the role of adjusting sowing date. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 2022, 27, 21.

2. Xiao D., Bai H., Tang J., Liu D., Yang Y. The role of cropping system adjustment on balancing grain yield and groundwater use across rainfall gradient in the North China Plain under future climate scenarios. Irrigation and Drainage, 2022, 71(2):495509.

3. Bai H., Xiao D*., Wang B., Liu D., Tang J. Simulation of wheat response to future climate change based on Coupled Model Inter-Comparison Project Phase 6 multi-model ensemble projections in the North China Plain. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13, 829580.

4. Tang J., Xiao D*., Wang J., Li Y., Bai H., Pan X. Optimizing planting dates and cultivars can enhance China’s potato yield under 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C global warming. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2022, 324, 109106.

5. Yang X., Xiao D*., Bai H., Tang J., Wang W. Spatiotemporal distributions of PM2.5 concentrations in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region from 2013 to 2020. Frontiers in Environmental Sciences, 2022, 10, 842237.

6. Yang X., Xiao D*., Fan L., Li F., Wang W., Bai H., Tang J. Spatiotemporal estimates of daily PM2.5 concentrations based on 1-km resolution MAIAC AOD in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, China. Environmental Challenges, 2022, 8, 100548.

7. Zhao Y., Xiao D*., Bai H., Tang J., Lui D., Qi Y., Shen Y. Climate change impact on yield and water use of rice–wheat rotation system in the Huang–Huai–Hai Plain, China. Biology, 2022, 11, 1265.

8. Zhao Y., Xiao D*., Bai H, Tang J, Lui D. Future projection for climate suitability of summer maize in the North China Plain. Agriculture, 2022, 12, 348.

9. Zhao Y., Xiao D*., Bai H., Tang J., Lui D., Luo J. Future projection for temperature extremes in the North China Plain using multi-model ensemble of CMIP5. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 2022, 134, 94.

10. Tang J., Bai H., Zhang X., Wang R., Guo F., Xiao D., Zhou H. Reducing potato water footprint by adjusting planting date in the agro-pastoral ecotone in North China. Ecological Modelling, 2022, 474, 110155.

11. Wang H., Wang L., Yan G., Bai H., Zhao Y., Ju M., Xu X., Yan J., Xiao D*., Chen L. Assessment and prediction of extreme temperature indices in the North China Plain by CMIP6 climate model. Applied Sciences, 2022, 12, 7201.

12. Li Y., Tang J., Wang J., Zhao G., Yu Q., Wang Y., Hu Q., Zhang J., Pan Z., Pan X., Xiao D. Diverging water-saving potential across China's potato planting regions. European Journal of Agronomy, 2022, 134, 126450.

13. Xiao D., Liu D., Feng P., Wang B., Water C., Shen Y., Qi Y., Bai H., Tang J. Future climate change impacts on grain yield and groundwater use under different cropping systems in the North China Plain. Agricultural Water Management, 2021, 246, 106685.

14. Xiao D., Zhang Y., Bai H., Tang J. Trends and climate response in the phenology of crops in Northeast China. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2021, 9, 811621.

15. Bai H., Xiao D*., Wang B., Liu D., Feng F., Tang J. Multi-model ensemble of CMIP6 projections for future extreme climate stress on wheat in the North China Plain. International Journal of Climatology, 2021, 41(S1):171–186.

16. Tang J., Xiao D*., Wang J., Fang Q., Zhang J., Bai H. Optimizing water and nitrogen managements for potato production in the agro-pastoral ecotone in North China. Agricultural Water Management, 2021, 246, 106685.

17. Liu F., Chen Y., Bai N., Xiao D., Bai H., Tao F., Ge Q. Divergent climate feedbacks in the growing period and the dormancy period to sowing date shift of winter wheat in the North China Plain. Biogeosciences, 2021, 18:2275–2287.

18. Xiao D., Liu D., Wang B., Feng P., Waters C. Designing high-yielding maize ideotypes to adapt changing climate in the North China Plain. Agricultural systems, 2020, 181, 102805.

19. Xiao D., Liu D., Wang B., Feng P., Bai H., Tang J. Climate change impact on yields and water use of wheat and maize in the North China Plain under future climate change scenarios. Agricultural Water Management, 2020, 238, 106238.

20. Bai H., Xiao D*. Spatiotemporal changes of rice phenology in China during 1981-2010. Theoretical and applied climatology, 2020, 140:1483–1494.

21. Tang J., Xiao D*., Bai H., Wang B., Liu D., Feng P., Zhang Y., Zhang J. Potential benefits of potato yield at two sites of agro-pastoral ecotone in North China under future climate change. International Journal of plant production, 2020, 14:401–414.

22. Liu F., Chen Y., Xiao D., Bai H., Tao F., Ge Q. Modelling crop growth and land surface energy fluxes in wheat-maize double cropping system in the North China Plain. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2020. 142:959–970.

23. Feng P., Wang B., Liu D., Waters C., Xiao D., Shi L., Yu Q. Dynamic wheat yield forecasts are improved by a hybrid approach using a biophysical model and machine learning technique. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2020, 285–286, 107922.

24. Feng P., Wang B., Luo J., Liu D., Waters C., Ji F., Ruan H., Xiao D., Shi L., Yu Q. Using large-scale climate drivers to forecast meteorological drought condition in growing season across the Australian wheatbelt. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 724, 138162.

25. Wang B., Feng P., Liu D., O’Leary G.J., Macadam I., Waters C., Asseng S., Cowie A., Jiang T., Xiao D., Ruan H., He J., Yu Q. Sources of uncertainty for wheat yield projections under future climate are site-specific. Nature Food, 2020, 1:720–728.

26. Xiao D., Zhao Y., Bai H., Hu Y., Cao J. Impact of climate warming and crop management on maize phenology in northern China. Journal of Arid Land, 2019, 11(6):892–903.

27. Bai H., Xiao D*., Zhang H., Tao F., Hu Y. Impact of warming climate, sowing date, and cultivar shift on rice phenology across China during 1981–2010. International Journal of Biometeorology, 2019, 63:1077–1089.

28. Zhang H., Zhou G., Liu D., Wang B., Xiao D., He L. Climate-associated rice yield change in the Northeast China Plain: A simulated analysis based on CMIP5 multi-model ensemble projection. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 666:126–138.

29. Xiao D., Bai H., Liu D. Impact of future climate change on wheat production: A simulated case for China's wheat system. Sustainability, 2018, 10, 1277.

30. Zhang Y., Hu Q., Xiao D., Liu X., Shen Y. Spatial-temporal change of agricultural biomass and carbon capture capability in the Mid-South of Hebei Province. Chapter 9. Land Allocation for Biomass: Challenges and Opportunities. Ruopu Li & Andrea Monti (Eds), Springer, 2018, 159–187.

31. Zhang Y., Lei H., Zhao W., Shen Y., Xiao D.. Comparison of the water budget for the typical cropland and pear orchard ecosystems in the North China Plain. Agricultural Water Management, 2018, 198:53–64.

32. Luo J., Shen Y., Qi Y., Zhang Y., Xiao D. Evaluating water conservation effects due to cropping system optimization on the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei plain, China. Agricultural Systems, 2018, 159:32–41.

33. Xiao D., Shen Y., Qi Y., Moiwo J.P., Min L., Zhang Y., Guo Y., Pei H. Impact of alternative cropping systems on groundwater use and grain yields in the North China Plain Region. Agricultural Systems, 2017, 153:109–117.

34. Xiao D., Cao J., Bai H., Qi Y., Shen Y. Assessing the impacts of climate variables and sowing dade on spring wheat yield in the Northern China. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 2017, 19:1551–1558.

35. Xiao D., Qi Y., Li Z., Wang R., Moiwo J.P., Liu F. Impact of thermal time shift on wheat phenology and yield under warming climate in the Huang–Huai–Hai Plain, China. Frontiers of Earth Science, 2017, 11(1):148–155.

36. Tao F., Xiao D., Zhang S., Zhang Z., Roetter R.P. Wheat yield benefited from increases in minimum temperature in the Huang–Huai–Hai Plain of China in the past three decades. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2017, 239:1–14.

37. Xiao D., Tao F. Contributions of cultivar shift, management practice and climate change to maize yield in North China Plain in 1981-2009. International Journal of Biometeorology, 2016, 60(7):1111–1122.

38. Xiao D., Qi Y., Shen Y., Tao F., Moiwo J.P., Liu J., Wang R., Zhang H., Liu F. Impact of warming climate and cultivar change on maize phenology in the last three decades in North China Plain. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2016, 124(3–4):653–661.

39. Xiao D., Tao F., Shen Y., Qi Y. Combined impact of climate change, cultivar shift, and sowing date on spring wheat phenology in Northern China. Journal of Meteorological Research, 2016, 30(5):820–831.

40. Xiao D., Shen Y., Zhang H., Moiwo J.P., Qi Y., Wang R., Pei H., Zhang Y., Shen H. Comparison of winter wheat yield sensitivity to climate variables under irrigated and rain-fed conditions. Frontiers of Earth Science, 2016, 10(3):444–454.

41. Bai H., Tao F., Xiao D., Liu F., Zhang H. Attribution of yield change for rice–wheat rotation system in China to climate change, cultivars and agronomic management in the past three decades. Climatic Change, 2016, 135:539–553.

42. Zhang H., Tao F., Xiao D., Shi W., Liu F., Zhang S., Liu Y., Wang M., Bai H. Contributions of climate, varieties, and agronomic management to rice yield change in the past three decades in China. Frontiers of Earth Science, 2016, 10:315–327.

43. Luo K., Tao F., Moiwo J.P., Xiao D. Attribution of hydrological change in Heihe River Basin to climate and land use change in the past three decades. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 33704.

44. Liu F., Tao F., Liu J., Zhang S., Xiao D., Wang M., Zhang H., Bai H. Effects of land/cover change on land surface energy partitioning and climate in Northeast China. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2016, 123:141–150.

45. Tao F., Zhang Z., Zhang S., Rötter R.P., Shi W., Xiao D., Liu Y., Wang M., Liu F., Zhang H. Historical data provide new insights into response and adaptation of maize production systems to climate change/variability in China. Field Crops Research, 2016, 185:1–11.

46. Shen H., Zhang W., Cao J., Zhang X., Xu Q., Yang X., Xiao D., Zhao Y. Carbon concentrations of components of trees in 10–year–old Populus davidiana stands within the Desertification combating program of Northern China. Frontiers of Earth Science, 2016, 8:582–594.

47. Xiao D., Moiwo J.P., Tao F., Yang Y., Shen Y., Xu Q., Liu J., Zhang H., Liu F. Spatiotemporal variability of winter wheat phenology in response to weather and climate variability in China. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 2015, 20(7):1191–1202.

48. Wang R., Guo Z., Chang C., Xiao D., Jiang H. Quantitative estimation of farmland soil loss by wind-erossion using improved particle-size distribution comparison method (IPSDC). Aeolian Research, 2015, 19:163–170.

49. Xiao D., Tao F. Contributions of cultivars, management and climate change to winter wheat yield in the North China Plain in the past three decades. European Journal of Agronomy, 2014, 52:112–122.

50. Tao F., Zhang Z., Xiao D., Zhang S., Roetter R.P., Shi W., Liu Y., Wang M., Liu F., Zhang H. Responses of wheat growth and yield to climate change in different climate zones of China, 1981–2009. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2014, 189:91–104.

51. Liu F., Tao F., Li S., Zhang S., Xiao D., Wang M. Energy partitioning and environmental influence factors in different vegetation types in the GEWEX Asian Monsoon Experiment. Frontiers of Earth Science, 2014, 8:582–594.

52. Xiao D., Tao F., Liu Y., Shi W., Wang M., Liu F., Zhang S., Zhu Z. Observed changes in winter wheat phenology in the North China Plain for 1981–2009. International Journal of Biometeorology, 2013, 57(2):275–285.

53. Tao F., Zhang Z., Shi W., Liu Y., Xiao D., Zhang S., Zhu Z., Wang M., Liu F. Single rice growth period was prolonged by cultivars shifts, but yield was damaged by climate change during 1981–2009 in China, and late rice was just opposite. Global Change Biology, 2013, 19:3200–3209.

54. Han S., Yang Y., Fan T., Xiao D., Moiwo J.P. Precipitation–runoff processes in Shiman hillslope micro-catchment of Taihang Mountain north China. Hydrological Processes, 2012, 26:1332–1341.


E-MAIL: xiaodp@hebtu.edu.cn; xiaodp@sjziam.ac.cn; xiaodengpan168@163.com