



姓名:  李月从         出生年月:1966.5




研究方向: 全球变化与区域响应

博士(硕士)招生类别: 学硕、专硕、学博

博士(硕士)招生方向: 自然地理学


2002年-2005 中科院地质与地球物理研究所,获博士学位



2009-2011, 英国赫尔大学访问学者





本科生课程: 生物地理学、《生物地理学实验》、《植被、土壤野外实习》


博士研究生课程: 第四纪环境学》、《孢粉分析


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,42377439,河北坝上中更新世典型间冰期高分辨率气候与植被变化特征,2024/01-2027/12,49万元,在研,主持。

2. 重点研发项目《第四纪典型暖期北极气候变化及其对东亚环境的影响》Grant No. 2023YFF0804600子课题《东亚第四纪植被高分辨率演变研究》80万元,在研,主持。

3. 国家自然科学基金联合基金项目,U20A20116,河北滨海湿地生态系统对长期气候变化与人类活动的响应,2021/01-2024/12,258万元,在研,主持。

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41877433,1.8-1.0Ma泥河湾盆地植被和气候变化及对古人类演化的影响,2019/01-2022/12,62万元,在研,主持

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41472157,上新世/早更新世转型期泥河湾盆地植被演替和气候演变特征与机制研究,2015/01-2018/12,98万元,已结题,主持。

6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41171166,山西北部全新世植被演替和气候变化定量重建,2012/01-2015/12,80万元,已结题,主持。

7. 河北省重点基础研究专项,18963301D,河北秦皇岛潟湖湿地2000年以来演变历史与生态修复策略,2018/01-2020/12,25万元,已结题,主持。

8. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,41630753,基于花粉产量定量重建我国6 ka以来的土地覆被(1°×1°)变化,2017/01-2021/12,300万元,在研,参加。

9. 国家自然科学基金国际合作与交流项目,41611130050,基于花粉的8000年以来中国北温带地区人类活动引起的土地覆被变化对气候模拟的影响,2016/01-2018/12,25万元,已结题,参加。

10. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41371215,中国北方森林区主要乔木植物花粉产量研究,2014/01-2017/12,95万元,已结题,主持。黄土高原典型地区花粉传播、散布过程和埋藏特征研究.国家自然科学基金项目(编号40672107),起止时间2007—2009,主持人。

9.  全新世大暖期气候格局。中国科学院科技先导计划(编号XDA05120200) ,起止时间2011-2015,子课题第一主研人。

10. 河北省不同类型湖泊花粉来源及沉积动力。河北省自然科学基金(编号D2009000300), 起止时间2009-2011,主持人。

11.  花粉保存与蚀变机理研究。河北省博士基金(编号06547006-3) ,起止时间2007-2009,主持人。

12. 人工和人工扰动植被花粉组合及人类活动强度研究。国家自然科学基金重点项目(编号40730103) 起止时间2008-2011,第一主研人

13. 中国北方草原区主要植物类型花粉相对产量和花粉源范围。国家自然科学基金(编号41071132) 起止时间2011-2013,第一主研人

14. 河北省人工和人工扰动植被花粉组合及人类活动影响强度。河北省自然科学基金 (编号D2008000186),起止时间2008-2010,第一主研人

15. 中国北方季风气候区不同植被带花粉通量与气候关系的研究。国家科技部重大基础研究前期研究专项(编号2003CCA01800) ,起止时间2004-2010,第一主研人

16. 中国北方季风气候区典型内陆湖泊花粉源区面积、花粉沉积动力和花粉沉积通量研究。国家自然科学基金 (编号40571166) ,起止时间2006-2008,第一主研人

17. 殷墟文化与洹河流域环境关系的研究。教育部博士点专项(编号20050094004) ,起止时间2005-2009,第一主研人

18. 中国华北区现代表土孢粉散布及其与植被和气候关系的研究。国家自然科学基金重点项目(编号40331011) ,起止时间2004-2007,子课题第一主研人

19. 中国北方主要生态类型植被孢粉组合特征研究。国家自然科学基金(编号40171095) 起止时间2002-2004,第一主研人

20. 河北省主要生态类型孢粉组合特征研究。河北省自然科学基金(编号402615),起止时间 2002-2004,第一主研人


1. Muhammad Rafiq,Li Yuecong *, Ghani Rahman, Khawar Sohail, Kamil Khan, Aun Zahoor, Farrukh Gujjar, Hyun-Han Kwon. Regional characterization of meteorological and agricultural drought in Baluchistan province, Pakistan. PL0S ONE,19(8): e0307147.

2. Li ruo,Chen Wei, Li Bing, She Junying, Zhang Zhixiong ,Liang Huan , Liu Peilun, Li Yuecong*, Ma Minmin*,  Dong Guanghui.Iterative variation of human staples related to climate–society interactions in the North China plain between the 7th and 19th centuries.Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences (2024) 16:161

3. Fan Baoshuo , Lu Houyuan *,  Li Yuecong ,  Shen Caiming*, Xu Qinghai, Zhang Jianping, Huan Xiujia , WangYonglei, Wang Ningyuang , Xu Deke , DongYajie , CuiAnning , Wu Naiqin. A novel approach for quantitatively distinguishing between anthropogenic and natural effects on paleovegetation.PNAS Nexus, 3(4),pgae135.

4. Li Bing, Zhang Wensheng*, Fyfe Ralph, Fan Baoshuo, Wang Sai, Xu Qinghai, Zhang Nan, Ding Guoqiang, Yang Jiaxing, Li Yuecong*. High-resolution quantitative vegetation reconstruction in the North China Plain during the early-to-middle Holocene using the REVEALS model. CATENA. 2024, 107577.

5. Shi Jiheng, Li Manyue, Xu Qinghai*, Li Yuecong, Zhang Shengrui**. Modern pollen assemblages of agricultural land, wasteland, and natural vegetation in China and their significance for reconstructing the intensity of agricultural activity. CATENA. 2024, 107623.

6. You Hanfei, Li Yuecong*, Zhang Shengrui**, Ge Yawen, Zhang Zhen, Zhang Wensheng, Wang Ying, Fan Baoshuo, Wang Rongrong, Cao Yihang, Li Cange. Climate and sea-level fluctuations on the western coast of Bohai Bay during the 4.2 ka event: Multi-proxy evidence from the Nandagang area of Cangzhou, China. Quaternary Science Reviews. 2024, 108467.

7. Du Tianyu, Zhang Wensheng, Li Bing*, Liu Linjing, Li Yuecong, Ge Yawen, Yu Shiyong. Sedimentary evidence for the diversion of the Yellow River onto the North China Plain 3000–2600 years ago. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2024, 111909.

8. Wang Rongrong, Li Yuecong*, Zhang Shengrui**, Xu Qinghai, Ge Yawen, Li Bing,  FanBao shuo, Zhang Zhen, Li Cange, Wang Ying, You Hanfei, Cao Yihang, Li Yue. Response of late Holocene vegetation to abrupt climatic events on the northwestern coast of the Bay of Bohai, China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. Volume 639, 2024, 112062.

9. 张振, 赵永杰, 刘超飞, 丁国强, 李月丛*. 泥河湾盆地上新世-更新世过渡时期野火与植被和气候变化. 第四纪研究. 2024, 44(1): 16-28.

10. 张振, 王莹, 李月丛*. 泥河湾盆地旧石器时代人类活动与环境关系的研究进展. 人类学学报. 2024, 43(01): 184-198.

11. 赵永杰,  由翰飞,  张振,  杨光,  李月丛. 河北沧州东北部南大港湿地晩全新世环境演变特征.第四纪研究, 2024, 44(3):755-769.

12. Zhang Wensheng, Li Bing, Fan Baoshuo, Li Yuecong, Xu Qinghai, Wang Sai, Zhang Nan, Yang Jiaxing, Fu Yang, Ding Guoqiang. Reconstruction of Holocene precipitation patterns and vegetation evolution in the North China Plain: Deciphering the relative influence of climate and anthropogenic forcing. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. Volume 638, 2024, 112020.

13. Ma Linyuan, Li Zhiguang, Xu Qinghai, Li Hongmei, Zhang Kailong, Li Yuecong, Zhang Ruchun, Cao Xianyong, Zhang Shengrui. Modern pollen assemblages from the hinterland of the Tibetan Plateau and their significance for reconstructions of past vegetation. Boreas.2024,  53,42–55.

14. Da Shuoqiang, Zhang Zhen*, Li Yuecong**, Xu Qinghai, Fan Baoshuo, Wang Siyu, Dong Jin, Wang Yong, Chi Zhenqing. Pollen-based quantitative paleoclimatic record spanning the Mid-Brunhes Event in the Nihewan Basin, north China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2023, 111377.

15. Wang Siyu, Li Yuecong*, Fan Baoshuo**, Cao Yihang, You Hanfei, Wang Rongrong, Ge Yawen, Da Shuoqiang, She Zijing, Zhang Zhen, Zhang Shengrui, Li Cange. Middle to late Holocene environmental evolution and sea level change on the west coast of Bohai Bay. Quaternary International. 2023, 20-31.

16. Liu Chaofei, Zhang Zhen*, Li Yuecong**, Wang Yong, Dong Jin, Chi Zhenqing, Cao Yihang, Zhang Lei. Geochemical characterization evidence for the climate variability of the Mid-Pliocene warm period in the Nihewan Basin, North China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2023, 111668.

17. Rafiq Muhammad, Li Yuecong*, Cheng Yanpei, Rahman Ghani, Zhao Yuanjie, Khan Hammed Ullah. Estimation of regional meteorological aridity and drought characteristics in Baluchistan province, Pakistan. PLoS ONE. 2023,18(11): e0293073.

18. Liu Changhong, Ge Yawen*, She Zijing, Li Bing, Fan Baoshuo, Zuo Yutao, Jia Huiyuan, Li Yuecong*. Distribution and sources of surface soil pollen in different coastal wetlands and their relationship with land cover: A case study of northwest Bohai Bay, north China. Ecological Indicators. 2023, 111184.

19. 刘超飞,张振,李月丛,王永, 迟振卿, 董进. 碳酸盐碳同位素揭示的泥河湾盆地上新世中晚期C4植物扩张历史.第四纪研究. 2023,43(5):1186-1198.

20. Ding Guoqiang, Chen Jianhui*, Lei Yanbin, Lv Feiya, Ma Rui, Chen Shengqian, Ma Shuai, Sun Yuanhao, Li Yuecong, Wang Haipeng, Shi Zhilin, Seppä Heikki, Chen Fahu. Precipitation variations in arid central Asia over past 2500 years: Possible effects of climate change on development of Silk Road civilization. Global and Planetary Change. 2023, 104142.

21. Xie Mingxia, Xu Qinmian, Li Yuecong, Du Tianyu, Fan Baoshuo, Zhang Wensheng, and Li Bing. Climate and Sea Level Controls on the Spatial Heterogeneity of Mid-Holocene Vegetation in the North China Plain. Land. 2022, 11, 2051.

22. Sun Yuanhao , Xu Qinghai, Gaillard Marie-José, Zhang Shengrui, Li Dehui, Li Manyue, Li Yuecong, Li Xinling, Xiao Jule. Pollen-based reconstruction of total land-cover change over the Holocene in the temperate steppe region of China: An attempt to quantify the cover of vegetation and bare ground in the past using a novel approach. CATENA. Volume 214, 2022, 106307.

23. Fan Baoshuo, Xie Hongli, Li Yuecong*, Zhang Yun, Jin Zhaoguang, Xu Qinghai, Yang Jiaxing, She Zijing, Ge Yawen, Zhang Zhen, Xie Mingxia, Zhao Zhihong. Quantitative reconstruction of the vegetation of the Qinhuangdao area, western coast of Bohai Sea, North China, during the Little Ice Age. Quaternary International.2022, 1-11.

24. Ge Yawen, Mao Xin, She Zijing, Liu Linjing, Song Lei, Li Yuecong, Liu Changhong. Spatial heterogeneity of long-term environmental changes in a large agricultural wetland in North China: Implications for wetland restoration.CATENA. 2022, 219, 106582.

25. Li Bing, Wang Sai, Li Yuecong*, Xu Qinghai, Ge Yawen, Fan Baoshuo, Zhang Shengrui, Zhang Nan, Xie Mingxia. Quantitative vegetation reconstruction in the Central North China Plain of the last 3000 years based on the REVEALS model. Quaternary International. 2022, 1-12.

26. Li Dehui, Xu Qinghai, Li Yiwen, Li Yuecong, Zhang Ruchun, Yang Xiaolan, Wei Haicheng, Li Xinling. Relative pollen productivity estimates for alpine meadow in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and their potential significance for paleovegetation reconstruction. Quaternary International. 2022, 1-7.

27. She Zijing, Li Yuecong*, Ge Yawen, Fan Baoshuo, Gao Chenjing, Yang Jiaxing, Xie Hongli, Zhang Yun, Zhang Ruchun. Late Holocene environmental evolution of Qilihai Lagoon, North China, based on a high-resolution multi-proxy sedimentary record. CATENA. 2022, 210, 105942.

28. Shi Jindong, Li Dehui, Xu Qinghai, Li Yuecong, Zhang Ruchun, Sun Yuanhao. Land cover reconstruction in Northwest China since 6 ka BP: Preliminary application of a new strategy. Quaternary International. 2022, 1-14.

29. Sun Yuanhao, Xu Qinghai, Gaillard M J, Zhang Ruchun, Li Dehui, Li Manyue, Li Yuecong, Li Xinling, Xiao Jule. Pollen-based reconstruction of total land-cover change over the Holocene in the temperate steppe region of China: An attempt to quantify the cover of vegetation and bare ground in the past using a novel approach. CATENA. 2022, 214, 106307.

30. Yang Jiaxing, Zhang Zhen, Li Yuecong*, Wang Fagang, Fan Baoshuo, She Zijing, Xie Hongli, Wang Siyu, Da Shuoqiang. Environment of the Early Pleistocene Banshan Paleolithic Site in the Nihewan Basin, North China. Frontiers in Earth Science. 2022, 10, 830798.

31. Zhang Wensheng, An Chengbang, Zhang Yong, Li Yuecong, Liu Luyu, Lu Chao, Zhang Yanzhen, Zheng Liyuan, Ding Guoqiang, Li Bing. Holocene precipitation changes in the Balikun basin based on high-resolution sporopollen quantitative reconstruction. Quaternary International. 2022, 631, 69-81.

32. Zhang Zhen, Li Yuecong*, Ding Guoqiang, Fan Baoshuo, Da Shuoqiang, Xu Qinghai, Wang Yong, Chi Zhenqing, Dong Jin, Liu Chaofei, Zhang Lei. Astronomical forcing of vegetation and climate change during the Late Pliocene–Early Pleistocene of the Nihewan Basin, North China. Quaternary International. 2022, 613, 1-13.

33. Zhao Yongjie, Li Yuecong*, Zhang Zhen, Fan Baoshuo, Zhu Yuchen, Zhao Hongmei. Relationship between modern pollen assemblages and vegetation in the Bashang typical steppe region of North China. Ecological Indicators. 2022, 135, 108581.

34. 范保硕, 李月丛*, 吕厚远, 许清海, 谢红丽, 张芸, 佘梓靖, 葛亚汶, 张振, 赵永杰. 华北平原东北部小冰期干湿变化特征及其驱动机制[J/OL]. 第四纪研究, 2022, 42(6), 1586-1600.

35. Zhang Nan, Ge Yawen, Li Yuecong*, Li Bing, Zhang Ruchun, Zhang Zhen, Fan Baoshuo, Zhang Wensheng, Ding Guoqiang. Modern pollen-vegetation relationships in the Taihang Mountains: Towards the quantitative reconstruction of land-cover changes in the North China Plain. Ecological Indicators. 2021, 129, 107928.

36. Zhang Yun, Wei Qiang, Zhang Zhen, Xu Qinghai, Gao Weiming, Li Yuecong*. Relative pollen productivity estimates of major plant taxa and relevant source area of pollen in the warm‑temperate forest landscape of northern China. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany. 2021, 30, 231-241.

37. 李金秋, 李向全, 范保硕, 王振兴, 李月丛, 刘林敬, 侯新伟, 张春潮. 山西长治盆地中更新世气候转型期环境变化特征[J]. 地质学报,2021,95(11), 3532-3543.

38. 王叶星, 许清海, 张生瑞, 孙沅浩, 李怡雯, 郝佳, 黄荣, 石晋东, 王娜, 王涛, 李月丛, 张茹春, 阳小兰, 周忠泽. 中国西部干旱区荒漠草原相对花粉产量估算和土地覆被重建——以新疆巴里坤盆地为例[J]. 第四纪研究, 2021, 41(6), 1738-1748.

39. 张峻凡, 范保硕, 陈伟, 杨家兴, 李月丛*, 许清海, 张生瑞, 李德晖, 张文胜, 翟鹏飞. 唐代正定古城址形成时期的环境背景与人类活动[J]. 第四纪研究, 2021, 41(05), 1489-1502.

40. Ding Guoqiang, Li Yuecong*, Zhang Zhen, Zhang Wensheng, Wang Yong, Chi Zhenqing, Shen Gaihui, Fan Baoshuo. Vegetation succession and climate change during the early pleistocene (2.2-1.8 Ma) in the Nihewan Basin, northern China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2020, 537, 109375.

41. Li Chenzhi, Li Bing, Li Yuecong*, Chen Bishan, Xu Qinghai, Zhang Wensheng, Liu Wei, Ding Guoqiang. Variation of summer monsoon intensity in the North China Plain and its response to abrupt climatic events during the early-middle Holocene. Quaternary International. 2020, 550, 66-73.

42. Li Furong, Gaillard M J, Cao Xianyong, Herzschuh Ulrike, Sugita Shinya, Tarasov P E, Wagner M, Xu Qinghai, Ni Jian, Wang Weiming, Zhao Yan, An Chengbang, Beusen A H W, Chen Fahu, Feng Zhaodong, Goldewijk C G M K, Huang Xiaozhong, Li Yuecong, Li Yu, Liu Hongyan, Sun Aizhi, Yao Yifeng, Zheng Zhuo, Jia Xin. Towards quantification of Holocene anthropogenic land-cover change in temperate China: A review in the light of pollen-based REVEALS reconstructions of regional plant cover. Earth-Science Reviews. 2020, 203, 103119.

43. Sun Yuanhao, Xu Qinghai, Zhang Shengrui, Li Yuecong, Li Manyue, Li Yiwen, Wang Tao, Zhang Xianguo, Wang Yexing, Huang Rong, Hao Jia, Zheng Zhuo, Zhou Zhongze. A novel procedure for quantitative regional paleoclimatic reconstruction using surface pollen assemblages. Quaternary Science Reviews. 2020, 240, 106385.

44. Zhang Kaixiu, QinWen, Tian Fang, Cao Xianyong, Li Yuecong, Xiao Jule, Ding Wei, Herzschuh Ulrike, Xu Qinghai.Influence of plant coverage and environmental variables on pollen productivities:evidence from northern China[J].地球科学前沿:英文版, 2020, 014(004), 789-802.

45. Zhang Zhen, Li Yuecong*, Li Chenzhi, Xu Qinghai, Zhang Ruchun, Ge Yawen, Li Bing, Deng Chenglong, Li Zhiguang, Zhang Lei. Pollen evidence for the environmental context of the early Pleistocene Xiashagou fauna of the Nihewan Basin, north China. Quaternary Science Reviews. 2020, 236, 106298.

46. Li Chenzhi, Li Yuecong*, Li Gang, Wang Chunyue, Li Bing. Environmental change and human activity in the northeastern part of the North China Plain during early MIS-2. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 2019, 170, 96-105.

47. Li Yuecong*, Zhang Zhen, Ding Guoqiang, Xu Qinghai, Wang Yong, Chi Zhenqing, Dong Jin, Zhang Lei. Late Pliocene and early Pleistocene vegetation and climate change revealed by a pollen record from Nihewan Basin, North China. Quaternary Science Reviews. 2019, 222, 105905.

48. Zhang Wensheng, Fan Baoshuo, Li Yuecong*, Xu Qinghai, Li Bing, Ding Guoqiang, Zhang Junfan. Pollen record of precipitation changes during the Younger Dryas and Early Holocene in the North China Plain. Quaternary International. 2019, 532, 116-125.

49. 范保硕, 张文胜, 张茹春, 阳小兰, 李月丛*, 李冰, 丁国强. 华北平原小冰期以来干湿变化与人类活动特征[J]. 第四纪研究, 2019, 39(2), 483-496.

50. 李怡雯, 许清海, 张生瑞, 李月丛, 孙沅浩, 王涛, 沈巍, 阳小兰, 张茹春, 魏海成. 青藏高原高寒灌丛草甸花粉组合的植被指示性[J]. 科学通报, 2019, 64(20), 10.

51. 李永飞, 李春海, 许斌, 舒军武, 李月丛, 许清海. 苏鲁人类扰动区表土花粉组合与植被关系的研究[J]. 地球科学进展, 2019,34(04), 333-345.

52. 丁国强, 申改慧, 李月丛*, 王永, 迟振卿, 李冰, 阳小兰. 泥河湾盆地上新世末期植被与气候变化的孢粉学记录[J]. 第四纪研究, 2018, 38(2), 336-347.

53. 李月丛*, 丁国强, 王永, 迟振卿, 阳小兰, 李冰. 泥河湾盆地早更新世(2.6~2.1 Ma)植被和气候变化[J]. 第四纪研究, 2018, 38(4), 830-841.

54. 申改慧, 丁国强, 阳小兰, 张茹春, 李月丛, 李冰. 白洋淀地区全新世以来的气候环境变化[J]. 第四纪研究, 2018, 38(3), 756-768.

55. Ge Yawen, Li Yuecong*, Bunting M J, Li Bing, Li Zetao, Wang Junting. Relation between modern pollen rain, vegetation and climate in northern China: Implications for quantitative vegetation reconstruction in a steppe environment. Science of The Total Environment. 2017, 586, 25-41.

56. Li Jia, Li Yuecong, Zhang Zhen, Li Ying, Wang Chunyue. The dispersion characteristics of airborne pollen in the Shijiazhuang (China) urban area and its relationship with meteorological factors, Aerobiologia, 2017(9), 1-16.

57. Li Yuecong*, Ge Yawen, Bunting M J, Zhang Zhen, Li Jia, Wang Chunyue, Li Bing, Li Chenzhi. Relative pollen productivities and relevant source area of pollen in the forest–steppe ecotone of northern China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 2017, 244, 1-12.

58. 李泽涛, 李冰, 李月丛, 梅惠杰, 刘林敬, 于世永, 王俊婷. 泥河湾盆地油房剖面旧石器时代中期到晚期文化过渡的环境背景[J]. 第四纪研究, 2017, 37(3), 463-473.

59. 张振, 李佳, 王春玥, 李月丛*, 李冰, 张明川, 梁剑. 冀中南地区新石器时代至春秋时期聚落遗址时空分布及环境演变的影响[J]. 第四纪研究, 2017, 37(3), 474-485.

60. 王俊婷, 吕素青, 李泽涛, 李月丛*, 葛亚汶. 山西浑源地区空气花粉组合特征及其与气候因子的关系[J]. 第四纪研究, 2016, 36(3), 542-552.

61. Li Jianyong, Xu Qinghai, Zheng Zhuo, Lu Houyuan, Luo Yunli, Li Yuecong, Li Chunhai, Seppä Heikki. Assessing the importance of climate variables for the spatial distribution of modern pollen data in China. Quaternary Research. 2015, 83(2), 287-297.

62. Li Yuecong*, Ge Yawen, Xu Qinghai, Bunting M J, Lv Suqing, Wang Junting, Li Zetao. Airborne pollen assemblages and weather regime in the central-eastern Loess Plateau, China, Atmospheric Environment, 2015, 106, 92-99.

63. 葛亚汶, 李月丛*, 李英, 阳小兰, 张茹春, 许清海. 坝上草原相关花粉源范围与相对花粉产量估算[J]. 第四纪研究, 2015, 35(4), 934-945.

64. Li Jianyong, Zhao Yan, Xu Qinghai, Zheng Zhuo, Lu Houyuan, Luo Yunli, Li Yuecong, Li Chunhai, Seppä Heikki. Human influence as a potential source of bias in pollen-based quantitative climate reconstructions. Quaternary Science Reviews. 2014, 99, 112-121.

65. 李英, 李月丛*, 吕素青, 许清海. 石家庄市空气花粉散布规律及与气候因子的关系[J]. 生态学报, 2014, 34(06), 1575-1586.

66. Wen Ruilin, Xiao Jule, Ma Yuzhen, Feng Zhaodong, Li Yuecong, Xu Qinghai. Pollen–climate transfer functions intended for temperate eastern Asia.Quaternary International. 2013, 311, 3-11.

67. 李英, 李月丛, 张显国, 贺志国. 河北衡大高速路域土壤理化性质研究及对边坡绿化的影响[J]. 河北林业科技, 2013(05), 1-4+10.

68. 许清海, 曹现勇, 田芳,张生瑞, 李月丛, 李曼玥, 李洁, 刘耀亮, 梁剑. 中国北方典型草原区花粉产量及其定量重建古植被的作用[J]. 中国科学:地球科学, 2013, 12(12), 2016-2016.

69. Li Yuecong*. Pollen-vegetation-climate relationship in some desert and steppe communities in Northern China. Quaternary International. 2012, 279-280.

70. Xu Qinghai, Tian Fang, Bunting M J, Li Yuecong, Ding Wei, Cao Xianyong, He Zhiguo. Pollen source areas of lakes with inflowing rivers: modern pollen influx data from Lake Baiyangdian, China. Quaternary Science Reviews. 2012, 37, 81-91.

71. 李曼玥, 李月丛*, 许清海, 庞瑞洺, 丁伟, 张生瑞, 贺治国. 东北地区人工扰动植被表土孢粉与植被和气候的关系[J]. 科学通报, 2012,57(06), 453-464.吕素青,李月从,许清海,李英,刘耀亮,梁剑. 陕西中部黄土高原地区空气花粉组成及其与气候因子的关系——以洛川县下黑木沟村为例. 生态学报,2012,32(24):7654-7666.

72. Fahu Chen, Jianbao Liu, Qinghai Xu, Yuecong Li, Jianhui Chen, Haitao Wei, Qingsong Liu, Zongli Wang, Xianyong, Cao & Shengrui Zhang. Environmental magnetic studies ofsediment cores from Gonghai Lake: implications for monsoon evolution inNorth China during the late glacial and Holocene. Journal of Paleolimnology,2003, DOI 10.1007/s10933-012-9677-3(SCI).

73. Qinghai Xu, Fang Tian, M. Jane Bunting, Yuecong Li, Wei Ding, Xianyong Cao, Zhiguo He. Pollen source areas of lakes with inflowing rivers: modern pollen influx data from Lake Baiyangdian, China. Quaternary Science Reviews 37 (2012) 81-91 (SCI杂志)

74. Shengrui Zhang, Qinghai Xu, Anne Birgitte Nielsen, Hui Chen, Yuecong Li, Manyue Li, Lingyun Hun And Jianyong Li. 2012 (October): Pollen assemblages and their environmental implications in the Qaidam Basin, NW China. Boreas, Vol. 41, pp. 602–613. (SCI杂志)

75. ManYue Li, YueCong Li(通讯作者), QingHai Xu, RuiMing Pang, Wei Ding, ShengRui Zhang, ZhiGuo He. Surface pollen assemblages of human-disturbed vegetation and their relationship with vegetation and climate in Northeast China. Chinese Science Bulletin. Volume 57, Issue 5, pp 535-547 (SCI杂志)

76. 李曼玥, 李月丛(通讯作者), 许清海, 庞瑞洺, 丁伟, 张生瑞, 贺治国. 东北地区人工扰动植被表土孢粉与植被和气候的关系. 科学通报 2012, 57(6): 453 ~ 464

77. Li Yuecong, Jane Bunting, Xu Qinghai, Jiang Suxue, Ding Wei, Hun Lingyun. Pollen-vegetation-climate relationships in some desert and desert-steppe communities in Northern China. The Holocene, 2011 21(6) 997–1010. (SCI杂志)

78. Li Yuecong, Xu Qinghai, Duan Hongzhen, Bunting M.Jane. Environmental background analysis for Beifudi Neolithic site in the west-southern Beijing, China. Journal of Archaeological Sciences, 2011 38 (2011) 2502-2508. (SCI杂志)

79. Ding Wei, Pang Ruiming, Xu Qinghai, Li yuecong, Cao Xianyong. Surface pollen assemblages and their implication to human impact in the warm temperate hilly areas of eastern China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2011 Chinese Sci Bull, 2011, 56: 996−1004. (SCI杂志).

80. 刘建宝,刘建宝, 陈发虎, 陈建徽, 许清海, 夏敦胜, 王宗礼, 李月丛. 山西宁武公海湖泊岩芯的环境磁学特征及中世纪暖期湿润气候探讨。科学通报,2012.

81. 丁伟, 庞瑞洺, 许清海, 李月丛, 曹现勇. 中国东部暖温带低山丘陵区表土花粉对人类活动的指示意义. 科学通报. 2011年, 第56卷第11期:841~ 849

82. Qinghai Xu, Jule Xiao,Yuecong Li, Fang Tian, Taheshi Nakagawa. Pollen-based quantitative reconstruction of Holocene climate changes in the Daihai Lake area, Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Climate. 2010, Vol.23, 2856-2868. (SCI杂志)

83. Xianyong Cao, Qinghai Xu, Zhichun Jing, Jigen Tang, Yuecong Li, Fang Tian. Holocene climate change and human impacts implied from the pollen records in Anyang, central China.  Quaternary International, 2010, Vol. 227(1), 3-9. (SCI杂志)

84. Qinghai Xu, Yuecong Li, M. Jane Bunting, Fang Tian, Jinsong Liu. The effects of training set selection on the relationship between pollen assemblages and climate parameters: Implications for reconstructing past climate. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2010, Vol.289 (1-4), 123-133. (SCI杂志)

85. XueLi Wang, Yuecong Li(通讯作者), QingHai Xu, XianYong Cao and LiYan Zhang, et al. Pollen assemblages from different agricultural units and their spatial distribution in Anyang area. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010, Vol.55(6), 544-554. (SCI杂志)

86. Ruilin Wen, Jule Xiao, Zhigang Chang, Dayou Zhai, Qinghai Xu, Yuecong Li, Shigeru Itoh, Zaur Lomtatidze. Holocene climate changes in the mid-high-latitude-monsoon margin reflected by the pollen record from Hulun Lake, northeastern Inner Mongolia. Quaternary Research, 2010,Vol.73(2), 293-303.  (SCI杂志)

87. 王学丽,李月丛,许清海,曹现勇,张丽艳,田芳.安阳地区不同农业单元表土花粉组合及空间分异.科学通报,2010,55(19):1914-1923.

88. 蒋素雪,李月丛,许清海,李育,梁剑.兰州郊区空气孢粉散布特征及特殊天气的影响. 古地理学报,2010,12(5):629-638.

89. 田芳,许清海,李月从,曹现勇.白洋淀湖泊表层花粉通量特征及来源途径分析. 地理科学,2010,30(16):955-961.

90. Qinghai Xu, Yuecong Li, Fang Tian, Xianyong Cao, Xiaolan Yang. Pollen assemblages of tauber traps and surface soil samples in steppe areas of China and their relationships with vegetation and climate. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology , 2009, Vol.153(1-2),86-101. (SCI杂志)

91. Fang Tian, Xianyong Cao, QingHai Xu, and Yuecong Li. A laboratorial study on influence of alkaline and oxidative environment on preservation of Pinus tabulaeformis pollen. Frontiers of Earth Science in China, 2009, Vol.3(2), 226-230.

92. Yuecong Li, Qinghai Xu, Liyan Zhang, Xueli Wang and Xianyong Cao, et al. Modern pollen assemblages of the forest communities and their relationships with vegetation and climate in northern China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2009, Vol.19(6), 643-659. (SCI杂志)

93. 许清海,田芳,李月丛,阳小兰.中国北方草原区捕捉器样品与表土样品花粉组合及其与植被和气候的关系.古地理学报,2009,11(1):81-90.

94. 田芳,许清海,李月丛,曹现勇,王学丽,张丽艳.中国北方季风尾闾区不同类型湖泊表层沉积物花粉组合特征.科学通报,2010,54(4): 479-487.

95. 曹现勇,田芳,许清海,李月丛,陈利,白旋.氧化环境对油松花粉保存影响实验研究.冰川冻土,2009,31(3):571-575.

96. 张丽艳,许清海,李月丛,王学丽,曹现勇,田芳.长白山针阔叶混交林带花粉通量及垂直散布年际对比.古生物学报,2009,48(2):222-227.

97. Fang Tian, Qinghai Xu, Yuecong Li, Xianyong Cao and Xueli Wang, et al. Pollen assemblage characteristics of lakes in the monsoon fringe area of China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2008, Vol.53(21), 3354-3363. (SCI杂志)

98. 李月丛,许清海,曹现勇等.太白山北坡花粉通量与表土花粉研究.地理研究, 2008, 27 (3): 536-546.

99. 郑振华,田芳,曹现勇,许清海,李月丛,阳小兰. 中原地区不同植被类型花粉组合特征及对周围植被的代表性. 地理与地理信息科学,2008,24(4):92-97.

100. 李月丛,许清海,王学丽,曹现勇,阳小兰.中国北方森林群落现代花粉与植被和气候的关系.地理学报,2008,63(9):945-957.

101. 王学丽,李月丛,许清海等.山西西部吕梁山中北段现代花粉散布特征.生态学报, 2008, 28(8): 3682-3689.

102. QingHai Xu, YueCong Li, Li-ping Zhou, Yi-yin Li and Zhen-qing Zhang, et al. Pollen flux and vertical dispersion in coniferous and deciduous broadleaved mixed forest in the Changbai Mountains. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2007, Vol.52(11),1540-1544. (SCI杂志)

103. QingHai Xu, Yue-cong Li, Xiao-lan Yang and Zhen-hua Zheng.Quantitative relationship between pollen and vegetation in northern China. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences, 2007, Vol.50(4), 582-599. (SCI杂志)

104. Yuecong Li, Xu Qinghai, Jingsong Liu, Xiaolan Yang, Takeshi Nakagawa. A transfer-function model developed from an extensive surface-pollen data set in northern China and its potential for palaeoclimate reconstructions, The Holoence,2007, Vol.17(7),897-905. (SCI杂志).

105. 李育,王乃昂,许清海,李月丛,阳小兰,张振卿,温锐林. 中国北方第四纪孢粉提取方法研究.沉积学报 ,2007,25(1):124-130.

106. 许清海,李月丛,阳小兰,郑振华. 中国北方几种主要花粉类型与植被定量关系. 中国科学D辑:地球科学, 2007,37(2):92-205.

107. 张振卿,许清海,李月丛,阳小兰,荆志淳,唐际根. 殷墟地区土壤剖面孢粉组合特征及环境意义. 第四纪研究,2007,27(3):461-468.

108. 许清海,李月丛,周力平等.长白山针阔混交林带花粉通量及垂直散布特征初步研究.科学通报.2007,52(5):568-571.

109. 李月丛,许清海,肖举乐,阳小兰,郑振华. 中国北方几种灌丛群落表土花粉与植被关系研究. 地理科学,2007,27(2):205-210.

110. 张丽艳,许清海,李月从,阳小兰,贾红娟,张振卿,曹现勇,王学丽. 贺兰山表土花粉与花粉通量对比研究. 地理与地理信息科学,2007,23(4):102-106.

111. 曹现勇,田芳,许清海,李月丛,张振卿,贾红娟,张丽艳,王学丽. 阴山山脉东段花粉通量及其与表土花粉比较研究.古生物学报,2007,46(4):411-419.

112. Hui Chen, Dongsheng Zhao, Xinmiao Lu,Yuecong Li and Qinghai Xu, et al. Surface pollen in the east of Qaidam Basin. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2006, Vol. 16(4), 439-446. (SCI杂志)[

113. 许清海,李月丛,赵登海,阳小兰,郑振华,郝明亮.中国北方典型灌丛群落表土花粉组合特征.古地理学报,2006,8(2):157-164.

114. 许清海,李月丛,李育,阳小兰,张振卿,贾红娟.现代花粉过程与第四纪环境研究若干问题讨论.自然科学进展.2006,16(6):647-656.

115. Xu Qinghai, Li Yuecong, Yang Xiaolan, Xiao Jule, Liang Wendong, Peng Yanjia. Source and distribution of pollen in the surface sediment of Daihai Lake, inner Mongolia. Quaternary International 136 (2005) 33–45 (SCI杂志)

116. Li Yuecong, Xu Qinghai, Zhao Yingkui, Yang Xiaolan, Xiao Jule, Chen Hui, Lv Xinmiao. Pollen indication to source plants in the eastern desert of China.. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2005, Vol. 50(15), 1632~1641. (SCI杂志)

117. Yuecong Li, Qing-hai Xu, Xiao-lan Yang, Hui Chen, Xin-miao Lu. Pollen-vegetation relationship and pollen preservation on the Northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Grana, 2005, Vol.44 (3),160-171. (SCI杂志)

118. 李月丛, 许清海, 肖举乐, 阳小兰. 中国北方森林植被主要表土花粉类型对植被的指示性. 第四纪研究,2005, 25(5): 598-608.

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120. 许清海,杨振京,阳小兰,李月丛,郑振华,王瑞君. 滦河流域及周边地区花粉与植被关系的研究. 植物生态学报,2005,29(3):444-456.

121. 许清海,李月丛,阳小兰,郑振华. 北方草原区主要群落类型表土花粉分析. 地理研究,2005 ,24 (3):394-402.

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1. 线上正规买球大全中青年骨干教师,线上正规买球大全, 2007

2. 河北省”三三三人才工程”二层次人才, 河北省人事厅, 2009













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